This is not a note that America wanted to see in the margin of its test results, but it's how one researcher described new federal data on student math and reading achievement. "I don’t know how many different ways you can say these results are bad, but they’re bad. I don’t think this is the canary in the coal mine. This is a flock of dead birds in the coal mine." The poor grade is due to several factors, many related to the lost learning time during the pandemic. And like the general effect of the pandemic, the impacts on academic performance are not being distributed equally. "Academic recovery is increasingly a split screen: top students are making up lost ground while struggling students are falling further behind. The overall decline in scores was mostly driven by the drop in student scores among those at the low end." WaPo (Gift Article): Students aren’t recovering from covid. Test scores are getting worse. 2Strike That, Reverse ItMaybe the Constitution still has a role in American life and maybe Congress still controls spending. (Or maybe the administration is just planning something worse.) The spending freeze that sent shockwaves across the nation yesterday has been rescinded. "President Donald Trump’s budget office on Wednesday rescinded an memo freezing spending on federal grants, less than two days after it sparked widespread confusion and legal challenges across the country." (Widespread Confusion and Legal Challenges is the name of my next album...) 3A Clean Shill of Health"With concerns about conflicts of interest, his views on abortion, and generally strange behavior (such as dumping a dead bear in Central Park), there is much to debate. If Republican senators skirt around his falsehoods during today’s confirmation hearings, it will be evidence of their prevailing capitulation to Trump. And it also may be a function of Kennedy’s rhetorical sleights. As Benjamin Mazer recently wrote in The Atlantic, Kennedy is not simply a conspiracy theorist, but an excellent one. He’s capable of rattling off vaccine studies with the fluency of a virologist, which boosts his credibility, even though he’s freely misrepresenting reality." (That last sentence looks pretty good on an application to work for the current administration). Will the Senate stop RFK Jr? The prognosis is not good. The Atlantic(Gift Article): This Is About More Than RFK Jr. (At least RFK Jr is a good health diagnostic tool. That he's even being considered for this role shows how sick America is.) 4Space Invaders"Asteroid samples fetched by NASA hold not only the pristine building blocks for life but also the salty remains of an ancient water world, scientists reported Wednesday. The findings provide the strongest evidence yet that asteroids may have planted the seeds of life on Earth and that these ingredients were mingling with water almost right from the start." Are we all aliens? NASA’s returned asteroid samples hold the ingredients of life from a watery world. 5Extra, ExtraFork Yourself: "The OPM email, with the subject line 'Fork in the Road,' was reminiscent of one that Musk sent Twitter employees after buying the social media platform in 2022. He fired many of the company's employees; others quit in droves." Trump invites nearly all federal workers to quit now, get paid through September. (Can he even make that offer without Congress? An evergreen question...) Wired: Elon Musk Is Running the Twitter Playbook on the Federal Government. 6Bottom of the News"Instagram, TikTok and other social-media sites are usually overwhelmed by people showing off what they bought. This year, people are pivoting to something else: displaying how they’re buying nothing." WSJ (Gift Article): The Americans Pledging to Buy Less—or Even Nothing. (Doing this for a year would be a breeze for me. It takes me at least 18 months to research anything I plan to buy...) Read my 📕, Please Scream Inside Your Heart, or grab a 👕 in the Store. |