January 18 |
Hi Jerome,
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
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Genesys Employee
January 17 |
You can try with this. The input is an array of strings (array of userIds).
echo "[\"ffd199fc-b4f0-4a9f-95f3-3429ea3b61a2\", \"40a2c353-3b4d-4af1-8843-a4ff4ffb1d40\"]"|gc authorization roles users add update e24508f1-ab05-40c7-a758-fda6b215bcf0
January 17 |
Is the following GC Command correct when adding a role to a user?
gc authorization roles users add update {roleid}
Executing the following command will result in the error “The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax" error.
echo {"entities": [{"id": "ffd199fc-b4f0-4a9f-95f3-3429ea3b61a2","id": "40a2c353-3b4d-4af1-8843-a4ff4ffb1d40"}]}|gc authorization roles users add update e24508f1-ab05-40c7-a758-fda6b215bcf0 -p lab
What could be the cause?
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