Bailey's Upper ES News You Choose


Bailey’s Upper Families, 

This week, the temperatures have been too cold for outdoor recess, and it looks like next week will be similar. Please note that we only cancel outdoor recess if the "feels-like" temperature drops below 32 degrees. Even on very cold days, we may take students outside for brief periods. Fresh air, movement, and sunshine are incredibly beneficial in helping our students recharge and prepare for learning.

It’s important that your child comes to school dressed appropriately for the weather. If your child needs a jacket, gloves, or a hat, please don’t hesitate to reach out to their teacher or me directly so we can ensure they have what they need.

**Special Announcement** 

We’re excited to launch our very own Bailey’s Upper YouTube Channel - Please subscribe HERE so that you will get all weekly videos! 

Thank you for your support!

Bailey's Upper Administrative Team