We will have an attendance challenge each day next week. There will be celebrations, prizes, and shout outs for the winners each day. On Tuesday, January 21st students can bring their favorite stuffed animal to school as we will be celebrating Hybla Valley's amazing attendance so far this school year!
Observed on the third Monday of January each year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day was officially signed into law in 1983. Dr. King dedicated his life to the non-violent struggle for civil rights and played a pivotal role in the creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In Dr. King's own words, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
This year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is on Monday, January 20th and it is a student holiday. There will be no classes.
Please note that the closest location for English classes closest to Hybla Valley is at Rising Hope United Methodist Church at 8220 Russell Road, Alexandria Virginia 22309.
Registration is open now!
20th: Student Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday), no classes
28th: End of 2nd Grading Quarter
29th: Student Holiday & Teacher Workday, no classes
5th: 2nd Quarter Grading Report Cards go home with students
10th: 3 Hour Early Release, students dismissed at 1:05 PM
17th: Student Holiday (President's Day), no classes