1/17 RRMS School Updates
Learn about events at Rocky Run Middle School!

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1. Important Dates

January 17 - No After-School Program (all students depart at 2:15 PM)

January 20 - No School (Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday & Inauguration Day)

January 22 - PTA Meeting, 6:30 PM, Library

January 23- Academic Advising Virtual Parent Coffee for Rising 9th Grade Families, 9:30AM on ZOOM

January 28 - End of 2nd Quarter 

January 29 - No School (Teacher Workday)

January 30 - Team Celebrations

2. A Note from the Principal

Dear Rocky Run Families-

We are squarely in that fun part of the winter months where we never know what mother nature has in store for us (and how it will impact our school day)! I hope that everyone enjoyed the extended winter break! The weather forecasters are keeping us on the edge of our seats.

Regardless of the current weather patterns, the second quarter will officially end on Tuesday, January 28. The following day (January 29) is a teacher workday. We will soon be officially halfway through the year! All students will receive updated schedules for the start of the third quarter, as some semester electives may change. The semester break is a great opportunity to reflect on the previous months and set goals for the rest of the year. Spring and summer will be here before we know it!

Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Peter Kownacki
Rocky Run Middle School

3. Action Items for Families

Have you ordered your Yearbook? Don’t wait until the last minute – order now!

Don’t miss a memory!

Order yours here: https://yearbookordercenter.com/

School Code: 5333

Career Day Decorative Image

Parents, Family, and Friends: Career Day volunteers are needed!

Rocky Run's Career Day will take place on Friday March 28, 2025. Please use this form to sign-up to share your career or job with Rocky Run students. The event will run from 8:00am-2:00pm, but volunteers do not need to commit for the entire day. We will be in touch closer to the date to confirm your available times. Presentations may be to small groups, large groups, on a panel, or in a career cluster fair. At this time please let us know if you are willing and available to present and save the date on your calendar!  

Please reach out to Halissa Jacobson at hdjacobson@fcps.edu or Anna Slevin agslevin@fcps.edu if you have questions or would like more information.  Thank you!

Rams in Good Standing Expectations

On Thursday, January 30th, Rocky Run will host team celebrations to mark the end of first semester and kick-off the beginning of second semester. All students who are considered “Rams in Good Standing” will be invited to their team’s celebration. Our goal is for all students to attend!

To attend their team’s party, students must meet the following criteria for the month of January (January 6th - 29th):

  • Be on time to all classes, including 1st and 2nd period 
    • Your child’s attendance, including tardies, can be checked in ParentVUE under “Attendance”
  • Consistently meet schoolwide expectations (no discipline referrals or cell phone/earbud violations)

Students have been notified of the “Rams in Good Standing” criteria via Rock Time, morning announcements, and Schoology. Students who are ineligible to attend their team’s party will participate in an alternative activity to refresh their understanding of schoolwide expectations and set goals for second semester. Please encourage your child to be a Ram in Good Standing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s grade level administrator.

4. Student Celebrations

RAISE the Ram Card Winners

Congratulations to this week's Ram card winners:

Nayani Reddy (Engaged)

Reggie Ross (Accountable)

Sophia Green (Respectful, Accountable, Inclusive, Safe, and Engaged)

Reyli Orozco (Engaged)

Gabriel Rusu (Accountable and Engaged)

Umar Shafkey (Respectful)

Great job Raising the Ram!

RAISE the Ram card winners for 1_17

5. Student Services Updates

Information for Current 8th Grade (Rising 9th) Families

Please check our Academic Advising website for more detailed information. Important dates are highlighted below:

Tuesday 1/21 - Friday 1/31 - Individual Academic Advising

Rocky Run Counselors will meet one-on-one with all 8th graders to go over courses, electives and make sure all classes have been entered correctly in SIS. 

Thursday, 1/23 - Academic Advising Virtual Parent Coffee, 9:30-10:30AM

Rocky Run Student Services will host a virtual meeting at 9:30AM to present information and answer any questions from parents about choosing courses and electives for their child's high school. ZOOM LINK

Information for Current 7th Grade (Rising 8th) Families

Monday 2/10 - Friday 2/28 - Academic Advising

Rock Run counselors will meet with each 7th grader individually to discuss courses and confirm all classes have been entered in SIS correctly. More information will be shared closer to the start of advising. Stay tuned!

6. Instructional Updates

Rising 7th Grade students visiting Rocky Run

Rising 7th Grade Rams are ready to learn more about Rocky Run!

Rising Rams!

This week we hosted our rising 7th grade students to learn more about Rocky Run! A huge thanks to our Student Services department for coordinating and to our student helpers!

7. After-School Program Information

  • After-School Schedule: Week of 1/20
  • Mark your calendars: there will be no after-school programs on these  upcoming dates - 1/16, 1/17, 2/14, 4/11, 5/23
  • Spring Track and Field Student Interest Meeting was held during lunch periods on Thursday, 1/16.  Click here to review the interest meeting slides.  All required forms are linked in those slides.
  • Late buses will depart Monday - Thursday between 4:45 - 5:00 PM.  Routes differ from regular AM/PM buses as there are fewer late buses and fewer stops.  Routes are posted on the After-School Schoology Course.  Please make sure your student knows their late bus number prior to staying after.
    • Late Bus Runs were updated on 10/2 - the updated route sheet is pinned on Schoology with the impacted buses highlighted in yellow
  • Registration form is required for ALL RRMS students (regardless of intent to participate).  Your student will not be able to stay after for any clubs, activities, or events if this form is not completed.  
  • Program updates, announcements, and schedules are posted on the After-School Schoology Course - all families have been added.
  • Check out our Program Preview for information on program times, pick-up, etc.

After-School Program Questions?  Contact Shannon Campbell, After-School Program Specialist, at SLCampbell@fcps.edu

Video Game Consoles & Accessories 

Did your child get a new video game system for the holidays and they are ready to donate an older system?  Or maybe you have systems sitting around that no one uses?  Our Retro Video Game Club would love to take them off of your hands!  They are looking for anything up to Xbox 360/PlayStation 3.  Consoles can be broken or working - they love to tinker with broken systems to bring them back to life!  They also accept games and accessories (such as controllers).  If you have any items to donate, please email Shannon Campbell at SLCampbell@fcps.edu to coordinate drop-off.

8. Community Corner

Know Your Rights Training

Conozca sus Derechos:  Protéjase usted y su comunidad

Únase con nosotros para una reunión virtual sobre “Conozca sus Derechos”.  Acompáñenos en la formación Conozca sus derechos para aprender a navegar por los encuentros relacionados con la inmigración y protegerse a sí mismo y a los demás.  Vamos a cubrir sus derechos durante las incursiones en el hogar, las interacciones en el lugar de trabajo, los sitios de trabajo de día, y los encuentros en las calles y las políticas locales.  La sesión también incluirá cómo apoyar a una persona detenida y estrategias de preparación para emergencias.

La presentación va ser en Culmore United Methodist Church, 3400 Charles St, Falls Church VA  22041 – sabado 18 de enero a 10:30am hasta las 1:00pm

Know Your Rights:  Protect Yourself and Your Community

Join us for a Know Your Rights training to learn how to navigate immigration-related encounters and protect yourself and others.  We’ll cover your rights during home raids, workplace interactions, day labor sites, and encounters on the streets, and local policies.  The training will also include how to support someone who is detained and strategies for emergency preparedness.

The workshop will take place at Culmore United Methodist Church, 3400 Charles St, Falls Church VA  22041 on Saturday, January 18 from 10:30am to 1:00pm.

Know Your Rights Information

Know Your Rights information- English

Westfield High School Dance Team Clinic Flyer

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