FGBNMS Education Digest 1/17/25
"Education Digest" and FGBNMS logo overlaid on photo of person dissecting a fish in a classroom

Eternal Evening in the Ocean: Where Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems Thrive

January 16, 2025 

1 pm Hawai`i / 3 pm Pacific / 5 pm Central / 6 pm Eastern

Mesophotic, or “middle-light”, coral ecosystems exist deeper than the shallow coral reefs you might immediately think of. Mesophotic ecosystems can exist across depths of 100 ft (30m) to 350 ft (150m) from the ocean surface. Because of this depth range, these ecosystems occupy as much as 80% of the potential space coral reefs can live in on the seafloor throughout the global tropical ocean.

In recent decades, technological advances in diving and robotic vehicles have allowed us to explore and learn more about these diverse and important ecosystems. Join Philip Yang, PhD Student and NOAA Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography to learn more about these ecosystems and what it takes to study them using cutting-edge science!

*Sorry for late notice. Registering for Webinar should get you access to the recorded webinar.

**The recorded webinar will also be posted to the National Marine Santuaries Webinar Series Archived Webinars page, at a later date.

***Phillip Yang will be doing a similar presentation as part of the FGBNMS Seaside Chats series on February 12, 2025.

SOURCE: NOAA Sanctuaries

How UT uses Spotter Buoys for Research in the Gulf

Wednesday, January 29th, at 1 p.m. CT

This webinar will detail how Dr. Xinping Hu (UT) leverages a Spotter buoy platform equipped with a Bristlemouth-powered Dissolved Oxygen (DO) sensor to lower the cost and complexity of monitoring hypoxia, or low oxygen levels, in the Gulf of Mexico, where Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary is located. Attendees will learn how Dr. Hu’s research directly supports efforts by FGBNMS Research Specialist Marissa Nuttal and her colleagues to expand data-driven reef conservation in the sanctuary.


Young Adult Author Presentation

Thursday, January 30th at 8 PM ET

REEF Into the Blue Book Club will be hosting a virtual meeting to discuss the Young Adult novel,Grouper Moon, via Zoom. Author Cynthia Shaw will be joining the group for a presentation and live Q&A session before they break into discussion groups. This event kicks off the 2025 Nassau Grouper Spawning in Little Cayman, Cayman Islands.

Click here to register for the book club meeting. For more information about REEF Into the Blue Book Club, visit www.REEF.org/bookclub. It’s completely virtual and all are welcome. 

This special presentation will be recorded for classroom use. If you are unable to attend but want to receive the recording, please register and then email explorers@REEF.org, Subject line: Grouper Moon, Into the Blue Book Club.


Drift Card Found 48 Years Later

NOAA Office of Response & Restoration

Over the years, drift cards have been used to help responders track the movement of oil spills. Last fall, Barbara Payne, a resident of Scotland’s Isle of Coll, contacted NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) to report that she had found an old NOAA drift card near her home. OR&R discerned that her card had been among the nearly 10,000 others dropped from aircraft over Nantucket Island to track the 1976 Argo Merchant oil spill across the East Coast. We can infer that Payne’s card traveled the great distance to Scotland via the currents of the North Atlantic Gyre — a 3,000 mile journey. Payne’s 48-year-old find was made of plastic, but today’s cards are made from biodegradable wood coated with bright, non-toxic paint.


TX Sea Grant Graduate Fellowship Opportunities

John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship
Sea Grant’s John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship provides a unique educational experience to graduate students who have an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources.
Successful applicants will spend one year (2/1/2026 - 1/31/2027) in the Washington, DC, area. Applications are due to Texas Sea Grant 5 p.m. CST on February 19, 2025.

NOAA Coastal Management and Digital Coast Fellowships
The Coastal Management and Digital Coast Fellowships both provide on-thejob education and training opportunities in coastal resource management and policy for postgraduate students interested in state-level coastal issues. The Fellowships are for two years (8/2025 - 8/2027) and match students with state coastal resource agencies. Applications are due to Texas Sea Grant 5 p.m. CST on January 24, 2025.

SOURCE: Texas Sea Grant

Summer Education Positions - CT

New England Science & Sailing Foundation (NESS)

NESS is hiring for the summer! A wide range of positions are available in their Marine Science & Adventure Sports and Sailing programs, which serve students ages 4-17. These are hourly positions running from early June to late August. They are looking for passionate individuals who can blend science, education, and on-the-water summer fun to join them for an exciting season.

SOURCE: Scuttlebutt

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