January 16

Of the explorer is collapsed and you click that, it just goes to another heading

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Previous Replies

Zino_Onokpise Genesys Employee
January 16

Some content are in the process of being migrated to the beta site, limits is one of them and should be functional soon

tim.smith Team Lead, Lead Developer Evangelist
January 16

This thingy:
When you click on it, you are sent to some random selection in the list

Ah, that's the link icon. It's meant to look like a chain link. It's the same icon that's used on link-able headings on the site. In API Explorer, if you click on the words it will expand the category. If you click on the anchor link icon it will scroll to that heading at the top of the page and place the fragment in the URL so you can link directly to a category in API Explorer.

As far as going to a random location in the list, it shouldn't be random. It should scroll the link you just clicked on to the top of the page, the same behavior as other headings. Are you seeing behavior different than this:


January 16

Yes, if you move off, it does collapse which is very different behavior to all other UI. I always assume if I click something, I shouldn't have to do something else. As you can see, when you click the middle panel shifts to the left, but the left panel stays open.

January 16

This thingy:
When you click on it, you are sent to some random selection in the list

tim.smith Team Lead, Lead Developer Evangelist
January 16

In the API Explore there is a paper clip thingy. When you click on it, the list randomly goes to some other API category.

I'm not sure what you're referring to. Could you share a screenshot showing where you're seeing a "paper clip thingy"?


Left panel will not collapse - but it moves center over to the left:

Have you tried moving your mouse cursor off of the menu to allow it to collapse? As long as your mouse is hovering over the menu it will stay open so you can use it. That behavior is unchanged from the old site. Please reply back with further details if that's not the behavior you're reporting.

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