November 21

my deployment Id is


I believe it is enabled in Genesys dashboard, but when I made the following request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "deploymentId": "026894c0-901b-4355-9f80-a6cc1ecd70bf",
    "journeyContext": {
      "customer": {
        "id": "a47a1770-1152-11ef-a9bb-5950e7bbf767",
        "idType": "cookie"
      "customerSession": {
        "id": "a47a1770-1152-11ef-a9bb-5950e7bbf767",
        "type": "web"
    "oauth": {
      "code": "380d0b17-3adc-4037-b3fd-1550ba0a38d3",
      "redirectUri": ""
  }' \

I received the following response:

{"message":"DeploymentId 026894c0-901b-4355-9f80-a6cc1ecd70bf has authentication disabled","code":"unauthorized","status":401,"contextId":"c39c56fc-dd6c-4704-8446-9a0b806a027c","details":[],"errors":[]}

The API told me auth is disabled, but I believe it is enabled. Can you help me take a look at this deployment ID (026894c0-901b-4355-9f80-a6cc1ecd70bf) from your system and confirm if authentication is enabled or disabled? Then I will go back and debug accordingly. Thanks!

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