New and Most Read Stories
Five of our new and most read stories for today.

A selection of recent and most read stories from The Atlantic to start your day

What Would a Second Trump Administration Mean for the Middle East?

By Uri Friedman

Markets, weapons, and a deal, any deal, are likely to matter more than Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Read this article.

A Dissident Is Built Different

By Gal Beckerman

How did Alexei Navalny stand up to a totalitarian regime?

Read this article.

Michael Keaton’s Simple Trick on SNL

By Esther Zuckerman

The actor can go from “regular guy” to awkward eccentric in a heartbeat.

Read this article.

The Case Against Pessimism

By Anne Applebaum

The West has to believe that democracy will prevail.

Read this article.

Tripping on Nothing

By Shayla Love

New, non-hallucinogenic versions of psychedelics are blurring the boundaries of the drug trip.

Read this article.

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